I have been a walking zombie since Friday. Every minute I get I go to bed even if it's just for 10 minutes. Even today I'm still walking around with head and chest congestion and not hungry at all - If you know me at all - that means I'm really really sick! My sister in law brought over some mexican bread and I didn't eat any.
I'm feeling a bit better - especially after I've just sweat to death helping my husband mow 3 yards, our front and back and my mom's back yard! That's a lot of over grown grass! It all looks much better now.
I'll get back on track with my challenge by the end of the week - I hope! The last time I posted on the SITS Blog Frog community was day 5 I think. I recall trying to work through Day 6, but it just wasn't working (my brain that is)!
I will (with everyone's help) Build a better Blog. This is a task I want to finish!
Hope you feel better soon, it really sucks to be sick in the summertime!
Thank you Jade, I think I'm on the getting better half of this illness.
I've gotten sick like that too where I don't even want to eat. It even surprises me too. Thank goodness you're feeling better but don't push it....rest is the best medicine.
Get better, soon! Don't you just hate those summer colds? I just got rid of one myself, and it was miserable!!
You can TOTALLY finish the challenge - all of your readers are here to support you :-) Get some rest, and get to blogging when you can.
Thank you Maria, I haven't taken this many naps all year. I guess I need it.
Monica -Aren't you funny! I didn't realize you got sick - Why aren't you hacking up a lung like me and Mom?
Katie - Thank you - I just wish I could find a medicine that helps with the symptoms without knocking you out!
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