
Sunday, January 30, 2011

San Diego Let me count the way...

I got to drive into San Diego yesterday, to help a friend, well I ended up helping two friends. That was wonderful. Yesterday I realized I left my Mojo in San Diego when I left there.

Driving into San Diego feels like driving home. The better half of my children's lives was in San Diego. I came into my own with my Style, Design and Sewing in San Diego. I haven't gone looking for a 'Friend' since I left San Diego. The one's you go out lunch with, you sit and scrapbook with (well the scrapbooking is an excuse to get together) all you really do is snack and talk. The one's you ask to join you in projects, that never really get finished because the project is not the point of getting together.

Some of my care taking responsibilities have been slowly diminishing. So this January there were more Goals on the table than usual. At the beginning of the year, I read many blogs that chose a word for there monthly or yearly goal, I think mine is a sentence 'Find Myself'.

That weird loudmouth crazy person is still here somewhere. Well tomorrow I start on the path to 'back on track' I've enrolled in a Life Drawing class. This is actually the 3rd time I enroll in a Life Drawing class, I've never had the courage to finish it. Drawing nude people just doesn't feel like art to me. I've been told that because there are so many under 18 students that attend this community college, nudity is not a big issue. I'm really hoping it's not. But if it is I have decided I'm not going to drop out of the class. I'm going to finish it, and I'm going to get a BA in Arts! Arts what I don't know yet, but I am on my way to a B.A.

There's no better way to find yourself than through education!

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