But yet, here I sit, with a long list of projects that could get finished before 9:30 AM when I start answering Cochenille phones and I'm not doing them I've checked every list, chat group and everything else on the internet I belong to except for facebook still haven't done that one this morning (see stephanie i'm not addicted).
I need something to get me out of Auto-pilot. We are going camping tonight and tomorrow night, we have to be back Sat AM for my husbands Dialysis (His kidney's shut down a couple of months ago, so he goes to Dialysis 3 times a week).
I really hope the Camping trip help. I'll be taking some knitting, Yay the first time I'll have a couple of hours to sit and knit in a very long time, I better take my Stitch n Bitch book incase I forgot how to Cast on, Knit or Purl - I've always needed a cheat sheet to bind off - for some reason I can't seem to commit that one to memory, I guess it only comes with Pratice.
Here's a few pictures of a field trip to MOPA in San Diego a few months back that I forgot to blog about:
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