Christmas was great, it wasn't what it used to be but, it was good in different ways. Michael was home and not in Iraq. He ate 3 dozen tamales, and half the pot of Posole.
He didn't make it until Midnight.
Stephanie built the most colorful ginger bread house.
So we opened gifts early. There is always one large gift in our family and it's usually something that is needed but brought up a notch. Stephanie needs a new laptop the one she has is dying so she got a Mac Book.
Michael even at 24 years old go toys, and he loves to play with them - he drove the dog crazy with his remote control 2009 Corvette.
My brothers dropped in for a short visit on Christmas Eve to eat
and then again on Christmas day to open there gifts.
Yes, that is how big our Christmas Stockings are.
We missed my brother Rigo, who didn't have enough days off to fly from DC to San Francisco and then to Palm Springs, so he stayed in San Francisco.
And My sister Monica and her hubby and baby went to his parents house in Antiock - near San Francisco. They came up with a solution to the "where will we be for Christmas" they switch off years, one year your parents, one year my parents. It seems fair.
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