Then there is my Church calling Enrichment Coordinator. I'm happy to say that if people fill in the lines on the sign-up sheet on Sunday, then I will have nothing to worry about when I land at the Palm Springs airport on Monday night March 2nd, the Day before our Activity - Relief Society Birthday Around the world. That would be nice - so help me out if you can!
Then to my demise I scheduled a Super Craft Saturday on April 18th which is the Saturday Our family will be driving up to Vallejo, CA for Stephanie's College Open House for incoming Freshman. But We (Lisa, Jean & I) have got all the crafts partial planned, I have several samples to make.
Here's the wood project:
and the knitting project:
The sewing sample is coming from Lisa - so I don't have to worry.
and we still don't have supplies for the beading sample but they should be here when Stephanie and I return from Seattle, and The necklace and earings are quite easy, so it won't take Stephanie very long to string them up.
I will have to write up detailed instructions - and I will need to find people that will head up the project the day of the event as neither Stephanie and I will be there - but I'll deal with that when I get back. For know I have costed, sampled, and need to print some sign up sheets for March 3rd.
And then there is my volunteer job as Ladies Aux. VFW treasurer, that I just haven't gotten the hang of, I understand the money part - I've been keeping books for companies since 1989, on old lotus spreadsheets. It's the other stuff, Membership applications, what money goes to state and which goes to National. I really need to spend some more time with this one.
I remember when I was 25 - I had 2 part time jobs, 3 kids, and went to college part time. And during all this Randy would leave for six months at a time. I don't know how I did it, but I need to find my mojo!!! I don't know where it went.